


    hexo new “post_name”–create post or article
    hexo new page “page_name”–create page
    hexo new draft “draft_name”–crate new draft
    hexo publish [layout] –change draft to article or page
    hexo generate–create static file
    hexo server–open local web server
    key combinations
    hexo d -g #create deploy
    hexo s -g #create preview


step 1: install Node.js and hexo

    (1) verify the installtion of node.js
        node -v
    (2) download and install hexo
        npm install -g hexo-cli(npm install hexo-cli -g)
        verify: hexo -v
    (3) initial hexo and create website homepage
        hexo init blog_name
        cd blog_name
        npm install
        hexo g #hexo generate(Explanation: generate static files, create a new folder called “public”)
        hexo s #hexo server (Exp: open the local web server, preview the blog. Visit blog by http://localhost:4000)

step 2: set theme

    (1) install theme
        git clone https://github.com/litten/hexo-theme-yilia.git themes/yilia
    (2) enable theme
        set the attribution value of theme in file “_config.yml” as “yilia”
    (3) update theme
        cd themes/yilia
        git pull
        hexo -s g

step 3: deploy hexo to github page

    (1) install the github extension of hexo
        npm install hexo-deployer-git –save
    (2) modify the configuration file
          type: git
          repo: git@github.com:your_name/your_name.github.io.git
          branch: master